Medicare Information Week

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There are four parts to Medicare, parts A, B, C and D.  Part A is hospital  coverage which doesn’t have a monthly premium, Part B is medical insurance and  you pay a monthly premium for it, and part C is an advantage plan where you receive your benefits from an insurance company that will combine Parts A, B, and D into one plan . 

There are also supplement options such as Medigap that cover the gaps that the original Medicare leaves.  Part D is a stand-alone drug plan simply for prescription drugs.   There is so much information about these plans and options and you may be getting massive amounts of flyers, notices that many times will be confusing.  We highly encourage you to reach out to local licensed agents like us help you navigate the Medicare process.  Be sure to research all the options to be able to choose the best route for you. 

Live your best retirement years right with coverage from Medicare to ensure an easier future. Your health may depend on it.  Beginning Oct. 15-Dec. 7 is your opportunity to enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan, switch to a different plan, or return back to original Medicare and purchase a part D Prescription plan and a supplement plan.  You have many options during this period.

So call us, we can HELP!

If  you have any questions about medicare or enrollment our THN Insurance team is happy to help find the best plan for you! Give us a call today!