Do You Need Travel Insurance?

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Traveling is a blessing but can be particularly stressful if you are not well prepared for all occasions. Ask yourself these questions to decide whether you need travel insurance for your upcoming adventure.

Are you especially unlucky when it comes to lost luggage? I have fortunately never had my luggage lost or stolen but I have talked to many people who say they have lost their luggage multiple times over. In the event that your luggage gets lost, stolen, or damaged at the airport, travel insurance can help by covering most of the cost to replace the items.

Do you or a family member tend to get ill when visiting other countries? While some have stomachs of steel and horse like immune systems, not all can afford this luxury. Traveling to another country bombards your system with all kinds of new exposures. If you or a loved one has a delicate constitution then a little travel medical insurance can go a long way so you won’t have to pay a huge bill for urgent care.

Are you forgetful and tend to lose things often? Sometimes life gets crazy and sporadic so you may lose a passport in the process of changing hotels or it could fall out of your bag. Travel insurance can cover passport loss by expediting you a new replacement right away. That’s a relief.

Are you visiting during a wicked weather season? You might have saved for years to visit a beautiful tropical location where you know you are going to get the best tan of your life but then a tropical storm hits and wipes out your resort and palm trees. Weather damage insurance can cover your prepaid costs easily so that you can book the next island over without a worry.

What happens if there is an emergency? As life typically goes, emergencies happen in the most inconvenient times. You house can flood, someone may get ill before the trip, or the person filling in for you at work suddenly is unable. In this case a trip cancellation policy can refund your out of pocket expenses so that you can keep that for a future vacation.

Think carefully about the pros and cons of insurance before you decide on your perfect vacation location. Safe travels.